Scope of Work

Statistical Consulting Center Staff

Statistical Consulting and Research Services Staff.

Statistical Consulting and Research Services (SCRS) at MSU is a MT INBRE-supported resource that investigators can use to improve research design, implementation and outcomes. Our team of statistical experts is available to guide research planning, design, evaluation, and communication with the overall goal of building better research projects through statistics.

Types of Clients

SCRS offers statistical consulting services to students, faculty and non-affiliates. The office located at Montana State University in Bozeman.

Types of Supported Research

Statistics is an inherently interdisciplinary field, and SCRS works with students and research professionals from a wide variety of disciplines from the life sciences, physical sciences, social sciences, formal sciences, applied sciences as well as other fields. An abbreviated list of the types of researchers and leaders with whom we collaborate includes: public health professionals, medical professionals, bench or laboratory scientists in a variety of fields, epidemiologists, community and tribal leaders, computer scientists and information systems experts, engineers, statisticians, social scientists and behavioral health professionals.

Central Activities

  • Storytelling through statistics
  • Project planning
  • Study design
  • Data collection methods
  • Analysis methods and tools
  • Presentation and publication strategies

Researcher Testimonials

"The Statistical Consulting and Research Services team was very welcoming and skilled at translating complex statistical ideas to applied research faculty who don’t hold this area of expertise. What might have been intimidating turned out to be fun and very valuable."

Laura Larrson, MSU Professor of Nursing

When to Contact SCRS

The earlier in the research-planning continuum, the better. One important key to using statistics successfully is to incorporate statistical planning as early as possible. SCRS can be most effective in its role and better enhance a project when when involved early in the process.




Mark Greenwood
Statistical Consulting and Research Services Director
(406) 994-5594